By Ms Michelle Andrew
Social Worker
Domestic and Family Violence Awareness Month is a time for all of us to speak up about domestic violence, to raise awareness and support survivors of this devastating issue.
This year, the theme for 2024 is “it’s in our control to end coercive control.”
Coercive control is a type of domestic abuse in which the perpetrator seeks to control and dominate another individual. Types of coercive behaviour include Threats & intimidation, Humiliation & degradation, Financial control, Isolation from family, friends and support networks. The purpose of coercive control techniques is to gain power over another person.
By raising awareness of what coercive behaviours are, we make this type of abuse visible and can work together to end it.
If you or someone you care about is experiencing DFV, 1800Respect is a state-wide support network (1800 737 732).
Within the Bremer State High School community students and families are able to access support from our Wellbeing staff which include:
- Guidance Officers
- School-based Youth Health Nurse,
- Youth Workers,
- Chaplin and;
- Social Workers
Contact details for school staff can be found here.