By Mr Sam Cowley
Deputy Principal - Year 7 & Teaching and Learning
Perseverance – the 'P' in PRIDE
At Bremer, we continually seek out innovative approaches that motivate and encourage our students to maximise their perseverance when learning. One approach I'd like to share with you is the 'Learning Pit,' developed by educational researcher and expert, James Nottingham. It's simple, clear and can be used at home, school and in life.
Understanding the Learning Pit
The Learning Pit is a metaphor for the learning process – particularly the journey we go through when exploring complex ideas. In a nutshell, it represents the typical struggle or 'cognitive conflict' (as Nottingham calls it) students must face before they can reach deep understanding.
When students first encounter a new topic, they often start with a surface-level understanding – they're standing at the edge of the pit. As they delve deeper, exploring complexities and asking challenging questions, they metaphorically "fall" into the pit, finding themselves in a state of cognitive conflict – which can bring about confusion, or uncertainty. This is when a student is comparing what they know already about a topic or skill with new information that may challenge or contradict their understanding. Although uncomfortable, this is where true learning begins. Students must learn to grapple with ideas and apply strategies to consolidate new content in order to begin to understand an idea or topic at a deeper level. When they are supported to persevere and show their learning progress, they can access feedback to “climb out of the pit", leading to those lightbulb-AHA! moments and lasting understanding.
The Importance of the Learning Pit
Embracing the Learning Pit is a shift from traditional approaches, which tend to shield students from the challenges of learning. Rather than fearing struggle and confusion, the Learning Pit encourages students to normalise these moments as crucial steps to deeper understanding. Students who jump into the Learning Pit, are positioned to practice resilience, critical thinking and collaboration – essential skills for lifelong learning.
Navigating the Learning Pit at Home
As parents and carers, your role in supporting students to navigate the Learning Pit is vital. Here are some tips:
Make Struggle Normal: Help them see struggle and confusion as positive signs they're stretching their thinking, not as evidence of failure. Remind your child that it's okay not to have all the answers and that learning is a process.
Celebrate mistakes: Create a safe space for learning by reminding your child mistakes are a necessary part of learning and not something to be feared or ignored.
Ask Open-Ended Questions: When your child is stuck, don't rush to provide answers. Let them stick with it. Instead, ask open-ended questions or provide strategies that help them work through the problem.
Model Lifelong Learning: Show that everyone, including adults, experiences the Learning Pit. Share examples from your life when you faced a challenge, worked through it, and eventually understood it better.
Promote Collaboration: Encourage your child to work with others and seek support. Collaboration is a great way to find solutions and climb out of the Learning Pit.
At Bremer State High School, we are committed to nurturing an environment where learners are brave enough to dive into the Learning Pit and are equipped with the tools to climb out with newfound knowledge. We deeply appreciate your partnership in this journey, fostering a culture of curiosity, resilience, and lifelong learning for our students.