At Bremer State High School, we extend a warm welcome to all new families joining our learning community. This webpage contains essential information that will be of use to students who are commencing their studies at our school.
School Policies
We encourage all parents, carers and students to familiarise themselves with our school policies. These can be found on our Policies page and include our Student Code of Conduct, Dress Code Policy, Learning Policies, Student Device Policies and more.
Contacting Key staff
At Bremer State High School, we have Deans and Year Coordinators assigned to each year level. They are responsible for providing day-to-day support to students and overseeing their pastoral care. If you have any questions or concerns, your student's Dean of Students is your initial point of contact. They will be able to guide you appropriately and provide you with the necessary information.
Learn more by visiting the Our Staff page.
Uniform Requirements
Bremer State High School has established a dress code policy that is applicable to students at all times, including while travelling to and from school, attending classes, and representing our institution. To comply with the dress code policy, you can purchase appropriate clothing items from the P&C Uniform Shop, which is conveniently situated on Campus.
For more information about our uniform shop, including pricelists and opening hours, please see the Uniform Shop page.
Student Resource Scheme (SRS) Particpation
Student resources such as subject-specific software, cosumables, books and textbooks will be supplied to students who particpate in the Student Resource Scheme (SRS). Resources are heavily discouted by taking advantage of school-based supply arrangements. If you elect to not be part of the SRS you will need to purchase these items at full price.
For more information about the Student Resource Scheme, please see the Parent Resources section of our website.
Stationery Requirements
Recommended stationery requirements can be found in the Parent Resources section of our website.