By Ms Michelle Jensen
Guidance Officer (Year 8 & 9)
On Friday, August 18, 2023, Bremer State High School is actively joining the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA) – a significant Australian initiative aimed at preventing bullying within schools. This event unites our school community to collaborate on effective strategies against bullying.
Aligned with the 2023 theme, "Growing Connections," the NDA underscores the importance of nurturing strong links among schools, families, and communities. This theme highlights the creation of secure, supportive learning environments where all students can experience belonging, acceptance, and respect.
Extensive research shows that robust school connections and positive relationships significantly deter bullying. When students feel a sense of belonging, they thrive academically, trust their teachers, and extend empathy and assistance to peers (Australian Education Research Organisation, 2023).
Bremer SHS is dedicated to cultivating these connections through activities like crafting pledge trees, designing friendship symbols, badges, and cards. These initiatives foster inclusivity, respect, and communal belonging for all students.
Creating a secure, supportive school community necessitates a comprehensive approach engaging all stakeholders. Whole-school responses to bullying prevention encompass multi-level strategies involving students, teachers, parents, and caregivers.
The national bullying definition outlines three key characteristics distinguishing bullying from other negative behaviors:
- Power imbalance
- Deliberate harm intent
- Ongoing, repeated behavior
While some behaviors might not classify as bullying, they still warrant attention at home and school. These include non-imbalanced arguments, isolated social rejections, and single acts of aggression or intimidation.
Understanding the bullying definition is vital for our entire school community – staff, parents, caregivers, and students – enabling accurate identification and appropriate responses. The complete bullying definition is available on the Bullying. No Way! website.
If you're concerned about your child facing bullying, contact the Year Level Co-ordinator or Dean as your initial step. For severe behavior or cyberbullying, the Bullying. No Way! website guides you in reporting to authorities and accessing vital well-being resources.
To delve deeper into our bullying prevention approach, familiarise yourself with our
Student Code of Conduct.
For more insights on the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence and effective prevention strategies, explore the Bullying. No Way! website.
Together, we create a safe, respectful learning environment.