Junior Secondary
Years 7, 8 and 9 form our Junior School. At Bremer State High School our junior secondary program focuses on the learning and development needs of our younger students, supporting them through their transition from primary school into secondary schooling. It also provides them with the foundation skills required to successfully engage with a complex senior curriculum.
More information about junior secondary can be found in our Junior Curriculum Handbook.
Year 10 is traditionally a transitional year between Junior Secondary and Senior Secondary.
Senior Secondary
Bremer State High School offers a diverse range of subject offerings for students studying Queensland curriculum in General, Applied and Vocational subjects. Further information on our Senior School subject offerings is available in our Senior Curriculum Handbook. The Senior Curriculum Handbook provides students and parent/carers with a summary of subject-specific information for every subject offering, including information such as a course overview, course structure and assessment overview.
Bremer State High School students endeavour to achieve their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) or Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA) during the course of their Senior studies. Furthermore, our Senior students may complete an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR), Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualification, in school or externally, or Certificate III or higher qualification e.g. Diploma, while participating in their desired educational pathway.