Participation agreement and payment agreement
Bremer State High School requires all students to bring an approved laptop device to school every day to access curriculum, assessment and school communications. To support this requirement, the school offers an all-inclusive laptop purchase program to new enrolments. This is an alternative option to sourcing your own device that meets our school requirements (i.e.: Bring You Own ‘x’ program).
What’s included?
The Computers for Students (CFS) program provides participating Year 7 2025 students with:
• A new school-owned laptop (Acer TravelMate 14" TMP214-55) and portable charger
• Laptop bag with protective hardcase
• 3-year warranty (including battery replacement)
• Accidental damage protection insurance – one free claim per calendar year, subsequent claims incur fees
• Microsoft Office 365 suite, including OneDrive Cloud-Storage
• Network onboarding, printing and onsite internet access
Why participate?
The CFS program is a cost-effective way to provide your child with a laptop and takes much of the hassle away from students and families, when compared to the Bring Your Own (BYO’x’) option. Computers for Students (CFS) Bring Your Own (BYO’x’)
When will my student be issued their laptop and accessories?
There are a limited number of laptop packages available. Students are issued their laptop and accessories in Term 1 2025, only once:
1. The school receives a completed participation agreement and payment agreement (this form).
2. Laptop and accessories are available.
3. Initial payment has been received in full.
4. Student has returned a completed EQ11 asset loan agreement allowing the school to provide a school-owned assets (laptop and accessories) to the student.
How much does the program cost and when are payments due?
The program costs $950.00 in total, which is paid over three years. To take ownership of the device at the end of Year 9, a $20.00 transfer fee must be paid.
How do parents/caregivers pay?
Parents/caregivers will be invoiced through our finance department before each instalment due date. BPoint is the preferred method of payment using your invoice number and customer reference number (CRN). Other payment methods include:
• Cash (onsite at finance office)
• Electronic Funds Transfer (BSB: 064-444 / AccNo: 00090172) – with invoice reference
• EFTPOS (onsite at finance office)
• QParents
• Qkr
• Payment plans (not for initial payment)
What happens if I miss a payment?
When a CFS invoice has not been paid by the due date, the family is in breach of the agreement and the school:
• Will contact the family
• May take possession of the laptop and accessories until the payment is received
Parents and caregivers will be provided with clear timelines and communication for payment and return of assets in line with selected payment arrangements and methods.
In the case a laptop and/or accessories are not returned following contact, the asset/s will be deemed stolen and reported to Queensland Police Service (QPS), including parent/carer details to assist QPS with asset recovery.
What happens if the laptop or accessories are damaged?
It is the responsibility of the student/family to notify the school of any technical issues or damage to their school-issued laptop device or accessories as soon as possible. In the case of damage, the school will require students to submit their device to the IT team for an assessment. The following process occurs:
1. Student submits device/accessories to IT Team in Library (B Block).
2. IT Team provide the student with a temporary loan device.
3. IT Team assess the laptop and/or accessories for damage and inoperability. This may include a specialist manufacturer’s assessment.
4. IT Team works with manufacturer and/or insurance provider to evaluate whether the damage/issue is covered by the device’s warranty or accidental damage insurance.
a. In the case that the identified device repairs are covered by warranty or accidental damage insurance, the school will arrange for replacement/repairs to take place as soon as practicable and re-issue the device to the student.
b. In the case that the identified device repairs are not covered by warranty or accidental damage insurance, a schedule of repair costs as quoted by the manufacturer will be invoiced to the family for payment. For example, where the device or accessories were deliberately misused or damaged or the laptop was used in an unsafe way beyond reasonable use cases.
What happens if the laptop or accessories are lost or stolen?
The school will take reasonable steps to recover lost or stolen assets. All assets are marked with individual identifiers and can be digitally traced.
• Lost: In the case a student/family has lost a device or accessories, they will be invoiced the remaining cost of the laptop, parts, components and/or accessories and be invited to enter into a new agreement for a new device and payment arrangement where possible.
• Stolen: In the case a device or accessories have been stolen, a police report must be submitted by the parent/carer and shared with the school. Arrangements for payment and recovery will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis as determined by the school.
What happens if my student leaves the school or exits the CFS program?
If leaving or exiting prior to the end of Year 9, you will be required to return the device and accessories to the IT Team in B Block and the school will process a pro-rata refund of the payment for that year based on the following formula: (yearly payment amount ÷ number of school weeks in year) x remaining school weeks for that year. For example, if there are 18 of 40 school weeks remaining of 2026 Year 8, you would be refunded ($300 ÷ 40 weeks) x 18 weeks = $135.00 refund.
We are not able to transfer ownership of the laptop and accessories until the end of Year 9 2027.
Who can I contact for more information?
For further information about the program, please make contact with the following teams:
• Program information –
• Finance –
• IT support –
Teams can be phoned on school days during office hours via reception on (07) 3810 9333.