Combined Ipswich Secondary School Sporting Association (CISSSA)
Bremer State High School is part of the Combined Ipswich Secondary School Sport Association (CISSSA). CISSSA is a sporting association made up of secondary schools in the Ipswich and surrounding districts. CISSSA Sport is played as home-and-away games after school, or as a one-day carnival. There is a winter and summer season comprising of various sports.
CISSSA Sporting Schools include:
- Boonah State High School
- Bremer State High School
- Bundamba State High School
- Ipswich State High School
- Laidley State High School
- Lowood State High School
- Rosewood State High School
- St Mary's College Ipswich
- St Peter Claver
- Sophia College Plainland
As schools move on from a number of disruptive years of competitions due to COVID-19, CISSSA is looking at re-engaging students in a number of summer and winter sports.
Boys Summer Sport
- Futsal (Weekly competition)
- Touch Football (Weekly competition)
- Volleyball (One Day Carnival)
- Basketball (Two Day Carnival) *Year 7/8 competition
- Open Boys' Touch Football (One Day Carnival)
Girls Summer Sport
- Futsal (Weekly competition)
- Touch Football (Weekly competition)
- Basketball (Two Day Carnival) *Year 7/8 competition
- Open Girls' Touch Football (One Day Carnival)
Boys Winter Sports
- Basketball (Weekly competition)
- Rugby League (Weekly competition)
- Soccer (Weekly competition)
- AFL 9's (One Day Carnival)
- Hockey 9's (One Day Carnival)
- Mixed Netball (Twilight Carnival)
Girls Winter Sport
- Netball (Weekly competition)
- Soccer (Weekly competition)
- Volleyball (Weekly competition)
- AFL 9's (One Day Carnival)
- Basketball (One Day Carnival)
- Hockey 9's (One Day Carnival)
- Mixed Netball (Twilight Carnival)
- Rugby League 9's (One Day Carnival)
Teams are assigned according to year level groups, often with Junior Students (Years 7- 9) and Senior Students (10-12). CISSSA sports often rely on parents/carers to provide transport to keep costs to a minimum.
In the coming years CISSSA is looking at reintroducing previous played sports as well as introducing new fast paced sport to the competition.